Couples I Can't Help in Therapy

Couples I Can't Help in Therapy

17 September 2024
Have you ever wondered why some relationships fail despite all efforts to save them? I meet couples every day who are desperately trying to fix their marriages. However, there are certain cases where I realize that, unfortunately, I won't be able to help them. Here are the reasons why: * **Couples who don't commit to the therapy plan:** Couples therapy is a collaborative process involving both partners and the therapist. If one or both partners are not committed to attending sessions or completing the exercises and homework assigned by the therapist, the chances of success are slim. For instance, the husband who attends sessions but continues to repeat the same mistakes and refuses to take responsibility. * **Couples who don't accept their mistakes:** Acknowledging mistakes is the first step towards change. If couples are unable to see their roles in the problems facing their relationship, it's difficult for them to change their behaviors. For example, the wife who blames her husband for all the problems and refuses to admit that she also contributes to these issues. * **Couples suffering from severe psychological problems:** Some marital problems stem from deep-rooted psychological disorders, such as depression or borderline personality disorder. In these cases, couples may need intensive individual therapy before they can work on their relationship. * **Couples who don't have the desire to change:** Couples therapy can only succeed if both partners are fully prepared to make changes in their lives. If one or both partners are unwilling to change, it's best not to waste time and energy on either the partner or the therapist. For instance, the husband who argues, doesn't accept new ideas, refuses to go to therapy, and seeks to maintain the status quo. Couples therapy is not a magic solution for all marital problems. However, with a willingness to change and a commitment to hard work, the chances of successful therapy are high.